Being the parent of a baby Gemini, is a big responsibility and sometimes it will feel as though you really do have twins, so different can the different sides to your little Gemini sometimes be.This little genius will have you on your toes. Gemini is an Air sign, so rules the mind. This is the smartest of all the signs and there’ll be a mind there, hungry for things to keep it occupied. They’ll bore easily, always needing constant stimulation. They’re likely to master language at a very young age, so make sure their life is rich in literature, right from the very start. If you want to know how old your little Gemini should be when you start bedtime stories, the answer is from day one. They wont understand the words, or see the pictures, but they’re soaking in the tone of the words and the way they dance through their mind.
You’ve got a baby writer and thinker here. By the time your little Gemini is all grown up, they’ll be skilled wordsmiths and communicators. With a mind that is jumping around, seeking information and stimuli, its soaking up information as it goes. This is one little ‘super computer’ you’ve got.
Don’t think you have to treat this baby genius with kid gloves. These are the practical jokers of the zodiac and when it comes to spinning you a line, oh boy, do you need to wake up to these little guys. They’ll pull the wool over your eyes so quick, you won’t even know whats happened. They’re not deceitful, they just know how to use words to their advantage, which is why they want to learn them so quickly.
This doesn’t mean you have an intellectual on your hand, for Gemini’s crave adventure and rough play. They’ll happily be playing vanquishing heroes, rather than sitting at the computer.
These are the Twins of the Zodiac and their attention is likely to switch quickly, from one topic to the next. When they’re older, they’ll be able to multi task. Your teenage Gemini really will be able to do his/her homework with the radio blaring, while talking on the phone. They’re able to compartmentalise, having one part of their brain focused on one task and the other, on something else. They’ll be pros by the time they’ve reached puberty, but from day one, they’re practising.
Gemini’s are great travellers and whether its on their own steam, when you’ve left the door open, or with you, they’ll be adventurers from an early age, off on an exploration of discovery.
Your young Gemini will be very dexterous, mastering the keyboard or anything that requires fine motor co-ordination. Combined with a fast, quick brain, they’ll soon be on the computer, mastering games for their level. A computer would be a good thing to introduce into your child’s life at an early stage, as computers and your little Gemini are a match made in heaven.
Characteristics of Gemini Children
Gemini infants
~ Great explorers
~ Restless
~ Curious
~ Imaginative
~ Energetic
~ Kind-hearted
~ Dynamic
~ Quick learners
Gemini Adolescents
~ Talkative
~ Tendency to exaggerate
~ Friendly
~ Hobbyist
~ Easily irritated
~ Dislikes routine
~ Curious and investigative
~ Intelligent
~ Love to travel (great explorers)
~ Sociable
How you can best handle your Gemini
~ Harsh discipline is unnecessary and harmful
~ Guide their enormous energy towards constructive uses
~ Familiarize them with books at an early age
~ Lead them by your own example
Well not being sick didnt last very long, I'm still puking everyday. It will all be for a good cause soon enough though. I actually don't mind being pregnant all that much, I find it so cool that little ol' me is growing a brand new human being right from scratch. I must say the coolest symptom I have is that I don't sweat anymore.
I'm excited for my next ultrasound in January. I wanted to find out what the gender of the baby will be but Frazer doesn't want to. We are both pretty sure it will be a boy and we have a boy name picked, Levi. The name kind of works for a girl too I guess. I wanted to get all the shopping done for the baby before he comes though and I don't want to buy gender neutral coloured things. Uhh, we will see who wins this debate.
I've given Frazer dibs on any middle name he wants, so far he has suggested John and Ryan. Both the names were his cousins' that he was close to and have passed away, I think it is nice to have a namesake name and be named after someone, it gives your name more importance in my opinion.
I can't believe at this time next year I will have a 6 month little baby crawling around, pulling ornaments off the tree and trying to rip presents open before Christmas... I can't wait.
I have gone two whole days without puking. It's great. I hope this isn't a temporary thing though, I enjoy not feeling sick all the time and not having to force a smile because I feel like shit and I don't actually want to smile... but I dont want to look miserable either. My new found appetite is pretty awesome too, for the first time in a long time I want to eat. I feel like I could eat a train full of food if given the opportunity.
Oh ya, my trip to Edmonton. It was good, I got all my shopping done and I went to see a physic. It was pretty cool, the first card she layed down had a picture of a pregnant lady and she asked "Oh.. did you think you were pregnant very recently? Cause you don't look pregnant..." I told her I was and she said that it made more sense now. She told me I was having a boy and that I would finish my schooling in a couple years, there would never be any dull moments in my life, Frazer isn't going anywhere anytime soon, and I will have anywhere from 3 to 5 kids. HAHA I will not be having 5 kids, thats for sure. It was a very happy reading. The rest of the trip was really good, so happy Alyssa let us stay with her and drove us all around, it definetly saved us a lot of money. The whole time I was there though I missed Frazer quite a lot and I couldn't wait to get home and be back in my bed with him.
So far the baby is strong and healthy and as long as he stays that way I will have no complaints.
I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time, it was perfect. The doctor couldn't find him at first because he was hiding way tucked away and then finally we heard a quite little heartbeat pumping away... I felt like I was smiling like The Grinch near the end when his heart grows, just huge and streched across his face haha
Frazer couldn't be at this appointment either because of work, I could tell he wished he was there when I told him I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time. I assured him that there will be many more apointments that he could attend to after the new year though.
I think it is pretty cute when he asks questions about the baby, like how big it is this week and what it can do now. He also pays pretty close attention to how big my tummy is getting (this is the ONLY time I don't mind him paying attention to how fat I am getting).
I'm getting more excited and happy about everything as time goes on. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything either, I am just happy.
I can't wait to stop being sick, I can't beileve how much hair is coming out of my head, I feel fat and I just want to lay in bed all day.
Working 16hr shifts and working 7 days a week is hard work. I know it will pay off when I get my trip to Edmonton though. I've been thinking a lot about the delivery part of this.. and I'm scard. I've decided I'm crossing my legs and demanding a c-section. I haven't thought a whole lot about names yet and I can't seem to find one I looove. I want to find out what I am having, no surprises for me. I want to be fully prepared by the time June comes. I think it is a boy though, if it's a girl, well I don't know if the I can handle a child version of Sarah.
I'm happy I don't have to be all fat and sweaty during summer time though, I get to use my new grown chubs for warmth in the winter and get to walk all over the place with my new baby in the summer, how great will that be? It doesn't bother me that I am going to be "missing out" on the fun 20s stuff with my friends, the way I see it is that when I do have the time and money to go to awesome places in the world, I'll always have a little travel buddy who gets to experiance the whole thing with me too and it will be great for both of us.
Maybe I'll just wait to get rich when I'm 40... be old, wrinkley and wise and just lay on beaches all day. That sounds like a good plan too.
I still haven't told many people yet that my ego is prego, I don't really know why I haven't. I will when am ready though. I should probably tell my bosses before I become noticabley pregnant though, maybe before Christmas break? We will see.
I was pretty excited to see my little sea monkey for the first time. Frazer couldn't come because he had to work, Chauna offered to come with me but I said it was fine. I drank lots of wate because I didn't want to go there and them say I didn't drink enough so by the time of my appointment I really had to go pee.
When the ultrasound tech started moving the little camara thing across my tummy and looked for what felt like foreverrrrr, finally she tunred the camera so I could see and showed me my first glimpse of the my baby. He was perfect. He layed really still while we looked at him. The ultrasound tech said "Let's just wait, he might move for you.." I waited about 10 seconds and all of a sudden he started moving all over the place, like he was swimming in his own personal pool. So cute.
I took three pictures with me and I was so excited to show my friends and Frazer.
Frazer didn't get home until after I was sleeping that night, but I had left the pictures out on the side table. Next thing I am being woken up to a Frazer holding three pictures asking me "Can you tell me where everything is?" I explaind to him where his head was and the little feet and his little arm nubs. I was happy Frazer was excited to see them too.
I don't know how I feel about being a mom, I just know I want to be a good one. I want to be like how Chauna was and is to me and the boys. She is amazing at being a mom.
It feels so good to wake up on Saturday and not have a punding headache from all the alcohol I had drank the night before. I can't say the same about puking though. I feel nauseous from the moment I open my eyes in the morning, to the second I close them at night. The sight of things make me puke, the smell of things make me want to puke. Ugh. For example, I was watching American Wedding and Stiffler had to eat dog shit... I died. I puked and puked, I was so angry at the movie, it was just awful.
The only thing I really crave is fruit. I swear I could eat a whole watermellon if I had the opportunity to. Another sympton I have is my hair falls out, I feel like a shedding dog. The MOST hair I'd ever lose is like 3 stands in the shower and now just running my fingers through my hair makes it come out :( Also, MEMORY LOSS, I forget little things all the time like that I was cooking something, leaving my straightner on, forgetting if I just put my cell in my purse 10 seconds ago or if it's still on my bed. The other day I was sweeping the floor and I was like "Where's the dust pan?...probably where I found the broom... wait, where did i find the broom?" I couldn't remember for the life of me. I don't think I've had any drastict changes in my mood, I haven't bit Frazer's head off yet...
I now work 16 hour days, 8am to 4pm at the elementary school then 4pm to midnight at the Mackenzie Hotel. It gets exhausting sometimes but I'm sving up for me and Tamara's trip to Edmonton, I can't wait to get a small break away from the town and work and just shop. Frazer is also really busy with work, he works 10 hour shifts 7 days a week. So the only time we really see each other is a few minutes in the morning before he leaves, lunch and a few minutes at night before I fall alseep after a long day.
When I first found out I was pregnant, I was very overwhelmed. This wasn't suppose to happen to me... I had big plans. I wanted to finish college, travel the world, and maybe be married before I ever went and got myself pregnant.
Amber was the first person to know. I was talking to her on facebook messenger the whole time while I jumped into cab and brought myself to emergency to get a pregnancy test. "...I bet your not." she typed to me. I hoped I wasn't, but deep inside I knew.
I went home and waited for Tamara to get home. When she arrived I told her too. She thought I was kidding, but a moment later relized I wasn't.
I sat in my room and wondered how Frazer was going to feel when I told him and the disapointment my parent would feel when I told them. I didn't want to upset anyone and knew my family wanted me to have the best life that I could have and how was I suppose to have all my dreams if I didn't have a career to make money? Just than, I recieved a text from Chauna "Hi, are you still taking the boys swimming?" I had forgotten all about it, but I answered "Yup, I'll be there in 20 mins" Like I said I don't like letting people down, espeically my brothers.
After swimming, Frazer picked me up from my parents house. For the first time I asked if we could go for a little drive before we went home. We drove for a while and he told me about his day and asked me about mine, but he knew something was wrong. I finally told him. He was suprisingly very calm and asked me what I wanted. I told him I wanted to finish school of course, but I didn't care about what my wants were, I wanted to know what he thought. He told me he wants me to make a choice that will make me happiest and he will support me either way. We agreed that we weren't ready for a baby and we both need to do something with our lives first.
Even though I knew it was best for both of us, I didn't feel any relief about our desicion. I was overwhelmed with emotion.
After the weekend, I went to my first appointment. I told the nurse my desicion, but I couldn't say it without tears welling up in my eyes. The nurse explained to me that I would have to get an ultrasound to see how far along I was and explained how the procedure would work.
The next day I got up early and went to the hospital on my own. Got blood work done and the ultrasound. I was about 6 weeks along.
After that, back to the nurses' office I went and this time she pulled out a book and went into deeper explanation about my procedure. It would be a day surgery and I might feel depressed afterwards and she listed off symptoms of depression:
- Sleeping a lot more or a lot less
- Eating more or less than usual.
- Interacting less with people than usual.
- Feeling worthless or guilt.
- Lack of energy.
Not wanting to do thing you usualy do.
I felt all those symptoms already.
She told me the docor would not be in town for two more weeks, by than I would be 8 and half weeks pregnant.
I continued on with my life the best I could, but there was only one thing on my mind and it didn't help that I had the many symptoms of pregnancy, I wanted to puke all the time and usually did, I smelt everything and soon disliked one of my favorite foods. Also I felt like a shedding dog with my hair coming out everytime I ran my fingers through it.
Frazer and I didn't really talk about it. We both didn't want to become attached, I knew this was probably as hard for him as it was for me so I never forced the conversation, but I never closed off the conversation either. I wanted him to talk to me about it when he was ready.
We had a few converstion about the topic, I told him I was scared to get an abortion and having to live with my desicion for the rest of my life, he told me he would be with me throught the whole thing no matter what choice I wanted and he just wanted me to be happy.
One night though, after I came home from work, he lied down on the bed beside me and started talking about it. I don't remember how it started, but it finshed with us both not being able to go through with it. I had grown attach to the little thing sucking all the energy out of me.