Thursday, February 07, 2013

22 Weeks

Took my frist pregnancy trip to the ER on Sunday night. I was really hoping I would be tough through this whole pregnancy and not be THAT annoying pregnant women who takes multiple trips to the hospital for no good reason, BUT I was pretty sick.
I felt completely fine Saturday, cleaned the house, hung out, went to bed. When I woke up on Sunday morning I had a bit of a headache (which is normal) and I was hungry so Frazer went to get us breakfast from Mackenzie. After I ate breakfast though my headache got worse and I started to feel nauseous, I firgured it was because I had forgotten to take my nausea meds. for pregnancy the night before so I layed down tried to sleep thiking it would go away. It didn't, it got worse. I started puking around lunch time and didn't stop until 10 o'clock at night when I finally went to the hospital. I couldn't even hold down little sips water with out racing to the bathroom to throw-up and being dehydrated just made my headache worse. I was so exhausted and in pain I finally broke down and started crying (a VERY rare thing in the life of Sarah) I called Chauna and she came and brought me to the hospital.
At the hospital they checked for the baby's heart beat, which they couldn't find for 5 mins because the mechine they were using was too big to locate a 22 week baby and that scared the crap out of me. After they found the baby's heart beat with a proper machine, the doctor gave me IV mixed with nausea medicine and I instintly started to feel better.
I'm happy it was nothing serious and Chauna is so helpful and supportive to me. I feel so lucky to have a healthy pregnancy and an amazing family to be there for me whenever I need them. 

Today I had another prenatal doctor apointment and the doctor let Frazer use the machine to find the baby's heartbeat (which was 156) and the doctor told me the baby will be around 8lbs when he or she is born. Oh! And I get another ultrasound because they couldn't see the baby's nose and lips in my last one. I'm so excited! Hopefully I will get to find out the gender of Levi at this ultrasound :)

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