Thursday, September 19, 2013

Life With Levi

I have been so busy being a new mom and trying to also spend time with my friends before they leave for school, I had no time for this blog. But here is an update on how Levi has been and how I have adjusted to being a mom!

For starters, Levi is wonderful baby. She only cries for the necessary - hungry, dirty diaper, and tired. She is so content with just sitting up, looking around and absorbing everything around her. I love being a mom and becoming excited as she discovers milestones. Seeing new colours, focusing in something, learning to smile back at someone and finding her fingers. I love it all! 
Frazer and I fumbled around for the first 2 months, figuring out what she wanted, liked and what we could deal with. We have found out that our baby loves to cuddle (yes she currently takes up half the bed every night) and is pretty much the happiest baby in the world when someone is holding her. She likes going for rides (what baby doesn't?), hates blankets on her, screams when someone with cold hands touches her, is annoyed by kisses and doesn't seem to be a picky eater when it comes to breast milk or formula. 

She is so strong. Holding up her own head at less than a week old and has what I call a "death grip" where she holds on tight to you to make sure you aren't putting her down anytime soon. I am always told about how big her hands are and how strong she is, it is always one the first things noticed when someone is holding her. I'd like to think that she is "Sarah proofed" because I am so clumsy and dropping things or tripping over something. 

As for being a new mom, I love it. There is something everyday to be excited about. Her learning curves and just to wake up every singe day to the biggest smile in the world and it's all for me. She gets up in the morning and as soon as I say "Good morning my Little Angel" she has the hugest smile spread across her face, her legs start kicking and she reaches up for my face, words can't explain my feelings in that moment and how blessed I feel.