Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bring on the Pain.

I did everything to put myself into labour. Not only was I ready to be done being pregnant, my main doctor wasn't going to be in town after June 11th so I was in a rush to have Levi before our doctor left. I walked all over the place for as long as I could, I made Frazer take me on bumpy rides and I even ate a tablespoon of hot sauce.. still no Levi. 
On June 13th I went to the doctors office to get my membranes stripped. I heard it was suppose to hurt, the doctor even warned me of having discomfort but I didn't really feel a thing. The doctor was surprised at my non-emotional attitude towards it and informed me that I was 3 cm dilated already. 
By now I felt disapointment that I wasn't holding my baby yet and frustrated that this is one thing I couldn't demand or make happen. At 10pm Frazer and I went for another bumpy ride, this time to Airport Lake. I must have flew out of my seat close to four times, but by 12am  I had started feeling small contractions. YES. It was finally happening.

Because my Strep B test was positive (a virus that 30% of women carry that causes no harm to the women but can harm the baby when he/she is being delivered) I was nervous about not knowing when I was suppose to go in. So going to 1:00am I woke Frazer up to take me to the hospital "just to check". Once I got to the hospital the nurse checked me and said I was still only 3 cm and my water hadn't broke, she gave me a shot of morphine so I could get some sleep and sent me home. 
At home, Frazer instantly fell asleep and I rolled back and forth with a hot water bottle trying to get comfy enough to sleep (needless to say the morphine did shit all). First I was too anxious to sleep, but than contractions started hitting every 10 mins and than got down to every 5 mins. I still just layed in bed trying to go to sleep but was rudely woken every time I'd have to breath through a contraction, by now it was going to 6am when all of a sudden I heard this strange tearing sound. I jumped out of bed super fast and tried to run to the washroom, but as soon as my feet hit the floor my water broke and it gushed everywhere! I couldn't believe what had just happened, I stood there in soaking wet shorts in a pool of water and called to Frazer to get up. Frazer was very calm and got a towel to wipe my legs dry and got me new pajama pants to put on. We walked downstairs, where I had to climb into Frazer's oversized truck. I was still in shock as we drove to the hospital, when we got there Chauna was waiting for us and as we were walking in a contraction hit me and I couldn't take it anymore, I bursted out crying, crying in pain and in fear, the whole moment was all so overwhelming.
When we got to the ER front desk there was no body there and me having no patience walked down past the desk and to the nurses and informed them I was here to stay this time. The next part is kind of a blur. I was laying in the delivery room in so much pain the nurse checked me and said I was 7 cm dilated. Contractions were hitting me right and left, up and down. I couldn't catch a break between them and in desperation I asked for the epidural I had planned to take. Chauna laughed and looked at me with sympathetic eyes and told me I was too far along to get one. I replied "What? Nooooo." but I was too busy dealing with contractions to try to do my Sarah Sweet Talking and wiggle me way out of this one. The nurse told me that I could have laughing gas "to take the edge off" It felt like forrevverrr before they finally brought me the laughing gas (which also did nothing by the way). Then I started feeling an overwhelming urge to push. I was so agitated by now and yelling that I had to push but was told I couldn't because I wasn't fully dilated, while this was going on there was a male nurse trying to get my blood pressure and I kept ripping the arm wrap off because it was squeezing my arm and my tummy was squeezing and I was just having none of that. I told them "check me again! I need to push" The nurse said "No Sarah, I'm not going to check, you need to breath" (They don't like to check you too much after your water has broke to avoid bacteria being exposed to the baby) I was so angry and in so much pain. This isn't what I had planned at all, everything was happening so fast and I couldn't believe how fast my pain was escalating. My body started taking over and pushing for me, I had no control over it and FINALLY she checked me and said "oh, you are fully dilated" I remember saying "I can push now??" in a desperate voice. I've never felt pain so rewarding before. 

At 7:27am our baby was born. All the pain in my body was gone and I finally had felt calm. "What is it?" asked the nurse "Just a second" said the doctor (the umbilical cord was wrapped around her body in every which way) "....it's a...a girl!" and she was plopped on my chest. I was so surprised that I had a girl. I really thought I was having a boy and as I looked at my new baby laying my chest, she didn't cry. She just sucked on her fingers and curled into my chest. I looked up at Frazer who had been standing next to me the whole time and he looked like he was in complete amazement by this tiny new human. We were both so in love with Levi. She looked nothing like me and everything like Frazer. I played with her long dark hair and rubbed her cheeks. She was perfect and worth every ounce of pain.